Even if you don't smoke or perhaps especially if you don't smoke, the 'Key opinion leaders' and your government are determined to make marijuana intoxication as available as possible. You can smoke it, eat it or drink it, the elites who rule you don't really care as long as you are 'happy', top up THEIR treasury and remain sufficiently stoned to give them as little trouble as possible. They don't even care if your kids get stoned, as long as they don't get blamed for it. They want to outpush the pushers and usurp their millions and think they can do that because they have the law on their side - because they make the law! They are well aware of the damage they are doing to the citizens and to the country, but they really don't care. After all, they have only the next election to worry about. If they win that there is nothing to worry about. Their pensions are secure. I will be supporting them for the rest of MY life. You too, unfortunately, most of the folks don't seem to get that yet!!
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