Sunday, 12 July 2015

Gender Bender.

      In the state of Oregan the age of consent is fifteen years.  Last year it was decided in that state that sex-change operations would be state subsidized.

      In a statement, Oregon Health Authority spokeswoman Susan Wickstrom explained it this way: "Age of medical consent varies by state. Oregon law -- which applies to both Medicaid and non-Medicaid Oregonians -- states that the age of medical consent is fifteen." 
     While fifteen is the medical age of consent in the state, the decision to cover sex-change operations specifically was recently made by the Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC). 
Members are appointed by the governor and paid by the state of Oregon. With no public debate, HERC changed its policy to include cross-sex hormone therapy, puberty-suppressing drugs and gender-reassignment surgery as covered treatments for people with gender dysphoria, formally known as gender identity disorder. 
      The fact that the age of consent could be fifteen in a country where children remain on their parents health plan until their late twenties is remarkable.  For some reason the administridiots who control health care in that state seem to favour giving fifteen year old children, many of whom are grossly  immature, the option of starting sex change initiatives (on their parents health care plan) without even requiring that the parents are aware of what is taking place.
       What is wrong with these folks??  Let me tell you, they do not understand what normal means.
       Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder in  which a person identifies as the sex opposite of his or her birth. (Definition of the American Psychiatric Association).  It is RARE, affecting  one out  of every twenty-five thousand males and one out of every fifty thousand females. Further, a major study has shown "most children with gender dysphoria will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty."   There is no evidence to show that radical irreversible treatment has a good long-term outcome.   So, let us not jump from the frying pan into the fire, let us not sacrifice sound, intelligent medicine for political correctness.    Good medicine is not always popular medicine.

If you disagree with  me, let me know.  In  fact, even  if you agree with me you can let me knoow.

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