Thursday, 10 July 2014


          Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages, primarily between mobile phones.(Wiki ) Usually containing photographs of the narcissistic selfie variety in  its more blatant form of the unclothed genitalia or breast, in it less aggressive form of the same areas clothed to varying degrees.  Sometimes just suggestive poses,  but of course always with the objective of titillating, sometimes frankly salacious.
           When I googled this, high on the  list of hits was a headline from the Daily Mail (U.K.) reading as follows:
         Sexting lessons for Children aged nine:  Pupils to be warned against suggestive photos
  •          New sex education packs produced by the  Family Planning Association
  •          Advice includes telling girls not to send 'sexy and pouting' photographs
  •          Family  Planning Association said lesson plans were necessary in light  of 'Operation Yewtree'  (Operation Yewtree is a police investigator into sex  abuse claims)
             An  interesting start thought I, so next I went to Amazon to see if they might have a book or two on this topic.  I flipped through a hundred books about sexting (yes, a hundred) and then I quit.   This was obviously a much bigger preoccupation than I had anticipated.
              A short time later I opened my daily newspaper to read a headline relating how a 22 month baby died after being left for seven hours in a furnace hot car.  One of the things his father was preoccupied with was sexting with no less than six women, including a sixteen year old girl.       
                Looks like this sexting business is going to require a little more investigation, and that's just what I intend to do in the coming weeks.       

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