Tuesday, 11 December 2018

A Kid shit/puked in my Pool today!

    I schlepped out of my bed this morning against all my better instincts.  I was warm, cosy and had been having pleasant dreams.  For some reason, quite incomprehensible to me most of my dreams are pleasant, to the extent that waking up is a disappointment!  Still,  knew that I had to go swimming, lest the muse of eternal youth desert me.  So, reluctantly I dragged myself out of my warm, comfortable slumber, to go about my self-imposed task of swimming quite actively, for an hour.  My OCD requires that it be an hour, no less and my innate laziness requires that it be no more!  I usually start at eleven and I swim quite actively until all three hands of the clock are at twelve!   
   This morning, I hit the pool a little early, ten fifty to be precise and felt quite self-satisfied at my accomplishment.  This was going to be quite a morning  for life prolongation, especially after that little extra shot of a very fine single-malt that I took before going to bed.   
   I started off well.  Guy, a relatively new friend and I, managed to share a swimming lane to ourselves, no easy task on a busy Monday morning!  We were well into our exercise program, well at least ten minutes into it, when our favorite lifeguard, an animated young woman, with four young daughters who sometimes accompanied her to the pool, came racing over.
  "Okay guys," she said to us,"You've got to get put of the pool right now"
   We laughed at her.  "That sounds pretty urgent.  Got a bomb threat or something?"
   "Yep," she said.  "Some kid shit in the pool!  We've got to shock it.  You'll be able to swim this afternoon.  And by the way, they think she threw up as well!"
   We got out without further ado.  

   So, Guy and I got a chance to know each other a little better.  He had been an police officer in Ontario for a number of years and had a number of stories to recount and I had a few to tell him about when I was a Special Constable in the RCMP.  
   Funny how my late friendships seem to be Cops and Docs!
   Go figger!  

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