Men, commonly mislabeled their prostate as their prostrate.
Some other terms from my student and intern days in Dublin:
Bilious - meaning naseated
Grippe - meaning the 'flu'
Fester - meaning pus forming or suppurating
Chillblains - small cyanotic (blue-ish) inflamed areas on hands and feet due cooling and then rapid heating in front of the fire. Were very common in all age groups in the winter. In half a century of practice in Canada I have never seen one. I had my last one when I boarded the Empress of England (Cunard Line) en route to Canada.
Beeling - throbbing
Nerves - meant anything from mild anxiety to major psychotic disorders.
And of course 'Liverish', which has 93 synonyms!
There were many others that I can't remember that I will try to recall.
Equally quaint to my ears was when I first had a nauseated patient in Canada tell me that he felt as though he was "going to toss his cookies!"

If you have any quaint or amusing examples, please send them to me.
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