Monday, 18 September 2017

Health Care! Who gives a f**k anyway - until you are sick!

WHAT? Trudeau Actually Attacked The Opposition For “Standing With Doctors”

  I've been talking to people for years about the health care system and what they are doing to it and allowing to happen to it, what they expect from it and what they can realistically expect from it.    I've listened to folks complaining about health care and what they want and demand from it, because, 'damn it, I've paid my taxes for it and I'm entitled!'  But who have they paid their taxes and from whom are they entitled?   Certainly not from the physicians who dedicated their lives to medical practice and who had given them such a high standard of care.  They are entitled to make demands from the government who promised them everything they could desire, although lacking the means to provide it, but they are not  entitled to expect the medical profession to fulfill the promises the politicians have made to get re-elected.  In fact, a group of petty politicians have promised my service at a price they determine, to everyone.  They expect a special level of care for themselves.  (Of course it does need to be just a little better for the politicians and their ilk because they serve the country so well!)  I spent years training family doctors and teaching them how to look after their patients and their obligations to them, but, unfortunately I  spent no time training my students to look after themselves and their families.   In return for the exceptional dedication of physicians to their patients, it became accepted as the norm.  No other profession I  know of  is expected to provide such commitment.    Indeed, physicians have come to  be regarded as some sort of government lackeys.  Everyone is entitled to justice, but if  you can't afford it, you take what you can get!  But remember what Ronald Reagan warned us,   "The nine most frightening words in the English language is, ' I'm from the government and I've come to  help'.  What could be more true.  Physicians and nurses and others who spend their  lives administering health care do know much more about health care than the administridiots, most of whom are from a financial background and know little about health care, but nevertheless rule the  health care domain with  a hand of iron.
   So, I've decided that since most of the folks don't really care about health care or about nurses or about others who provide their health care until they really need it, why should I.  I did it for long enough.  I'm retired. I care about the people I care about and the people who care about me.  I don't wish to subsidize legalization of gateway drugs such as marijuana that the government wants to use to dope down the masses together with other drug encouraging measures they are initiating .  The resources they use are often wasted, there are more seriously ill people to help.  
   Meanwhile, if people need real health care in a timely fashion  or are in pain  and discomfort as a result of long waiting time I would encourage them to explore what is available in the second tier within Canada as well as without.   You may be surprised at just how much  is available. After all, surely avoidance of a year in  pain and discomfort is worth some money, regardless of what the government thinks.
Anyone got the guts to comment on this?

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