Thursday, 15 June 2017

OMA Advice ?.

  Below is a recent communication I have received from the OMA.   I have nothing against homosexuals, nor against any other self-interest group, but I do have something against so-called professional organizations who put their sanctimonious politically correct causes ahead of their paying members struggle for survival.  That's what is going on in Ontario.
   I believe people have a right to do whatever they like as long as they are not hurting someone, but gimme a break, I don't even go on heterosexual pride marches, though I haven't had any invitations to. 
   Perhaps the new executive will direct their attention to relevant. business.   The inmates have been running the asylum for too long!!  The OMA has been doing a poor job for too long. 
From: Ontario Medical Association
Sent: June 12, 2017 12:47 PM
To: Stanley G Smith
Subject: 2017 Toronto Pride Parade: 6th Annual Ontario Doctors and Allies Pride March

2017 Toronto Pride Parade: 6th Annual Ontario Doctors and Allies Pride March
Dear Ontario Physicians, Resident Doctors and Medical Students:
Please join a group of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered Queer (LGBTQ) and allied physicians, resident doctors and future doctors to march in solidarity in the 2017 Toronto Pride Parade!        
Goals of the event:
1.    To combat homophobia within the medical community and society at large.
2.    To show the public that there are outspoken LGBTQ physicians and physician allies, and help attract media attention to this important issue.  
3.    To have fun!          
On June 25, 2017, please march with us! We will be meeting on Bloor Street East between Church Street and Ted Rogers Way at approximately 1:00 p.m. (exact time and location to be confirmed, visit our Facebook page or email us in the days prior to the march). We will be dressing in hospital scrubs and stethoscopes. Bring a motivational sign and lots of energy! Interested individuals can RSVP by visiting our Facebook event page or by emailing
Looking forward to seeing you at the parade!
LGBTQ Doctors and Allies
The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) administers the distribution of communications for its various Constituency Groups, and therefore the views and the opinions expressed in this communication may not reflect the views, policies, and opinions of the OMA.  The OMA does not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information contained in this communication, nor does it accept any responsibility for its contents.

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