Thursday, 22 September 2016

Ethicists for the Third Reich

Ethicists for the Third Reich.
Professors of medical ethics at Queens University in Canada and Oxford University in England say doctors' beliefs have no place in the health care system!  The names of these morons and you should not forget them are Udo Schuklenk, chair in bio-ethics in Queens University in Canada, and Julian Savulescu at Oxford, in England. Their opinion lends credence to George Orwell’s quote that there are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them. These pinheads go on to say that ‘authorities’ should bar doctors from refusing services like abortion and assisted death on moral grounds and screen out potential medical students who might impose their (or perhaps any) values on the practice of medicine and the care of patients. Conscientious objection, they state is clearly unprofessional.  They go on to state, "Doctors must put patients' interests ahead of their own integrity".  These are dangerous academics, who have no understanding of health care, medical professionalism, integrity or morality.  They would shut down the argument, as most of the left wing academics would if they could, by either not allowing admission to medical school or failing those whose opinions differ from theirs.  They propose exactly what was required of physicians in the Third Reich.  They are a menace to the future of medicine.  They may be bio-ethicists, they certainly are not medical ethicists.


  1. See this website;

  2. And now we just have to make do with marijuana! But don't worry, there's lots of other stuff to supplement it and much more on the way!
    The decline continues!
