Saturday 23 January 2016

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  3. Health Testing Centers in Hilton Head Island

Blood Testing Lab Locations in Hilton Head Island

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Lab Locations in Hilton Head Island SC

8 Hospital Center Blvd Ste 140
Hilton Head Island SC 29926
Quest Diagnostics
460 William Hilton Pkwy
Hilton Head Island SC 29926

STD Testing Centers in Hilton Head Island

Blood Tests Available in Hilton Head Island

Essential Health Screening
CBC (w diff), CMP, Urinalysis and Lipid Profile (HDL, LDL + Triglycerides)
Cholesterol Test
Lipid Profile Measures HDL, LDL, Total Cholesterol + Triglycerides
Comprehensive Panel
Our most comprehensive package of blood tests to assess all aspects of your health.

Thyroid Function Test Level I


Complete Blood Count (CBC), with Differential


Thyroid Function Test Level II


Metabolic Panel (14), Comprehensive - CMP


Liver Function Test


PSA (Prostate) Test


TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)


Ferritin, Serum


Testosterone, Total - Male Hormone


Testosterone, Free & Total


Pregnancy Test, Blood




Heavy Metals Profile (Blood Test for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic)


Lyme Disease, Serum, Western Blot


Human Growth Hormone (HGH)


Estrogen, Total


Liver Test - ALT (SGPT)


Glucose, Serum


Thyroid Profile (T3 uptake, T4 and T7)


Testing Categories

Lab Testing Overview for Hilton Head Island SC

Better health can lead to a better life, complete with more energy and greater peace of mind. An easy first step on the road to better health is investing in an annual blood test. When you visit your doctor for a checkup it typically includes a panel of blood work that measures your blood levels for key indicators, providing a current status of your health. At Health Testing Centers you can order the lab tests you need to check your health without visiting a doctor, saving you time and money. Life can be hectic with little time to concentrate on the important things, like your health. In the balancing act between work, family, and life it is all to common to put off routine check-ups. Unfortunately this seemingly small sacrifice can lead to serious problems. It is far more common for someone to track the progress of their financial investments than the key indicators of their health. At Health Testing Centers you do not need insurance or even a primary care doctor to order lab tests. Simple and convenient measurements of your cholesterol, glucose, PSA, vitamin D, and others can indicate trends within you body that if addressed early can dramatically improve your health. Early diagnosis of disorders like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, thyroiditis and even HIV can be the key to successful treatment. If you are serious about investing in your health then an annual blood test is a smart strategy that can yield more productive years to your life. Additionally, if you are sexually active, a periodic analysis of your blood should should include testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis. To be safe both you and your sexual partner(s) should be checked to minimize the risk of these potentially deadly diseases.

Overview of various blood tests available in Hilton Head Island

Should I get a cholesterol test?

Cholesterol is a vital component present in the lipids of blood. It helps in building cell membranes. Excess cholesterol, however, is highly disadvantageous since it causes building up of fat deposits inside the blood vessels. This results in blockages hindering the way of continuous blood flow. High level of cholesterol may result in a stroke or a heart attack. Fortunately, there are blood tests that can measure the level of cholesterol inside your body. Regular checks enable you to ensure that the cholesterol levels in your body are manageable. One of the most important reasons that make a blood test for cholesterol essential is that there are no visible symptoms of high cholesterol. That is why it is also referred to as the silent disease'.

What does a thyroid test do?

The thyroid gland works to form thyroid hormones through combining iodine with an amino acid. Having the thyroid tested can give you insight when it comes to your metabolism and to ensure that the gland is working properly. If the thyroid is underactive it can result in a sluggish metabolism, weight gain, fatigue and constantly feeling cold. If the thyroid is overactive it can result in constantly feeling hot, rapid heart rate and weight loss. The most sensitive test for thyroid function is the thyroid stimulating hormone blood test, but others may also be performed to check total thyroid function, including: - T4 - T3 - Antithyroid antibody test - Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin test

Why get a blood test for Liver Function?

Blood test for liver function is a group of tests done to check a persons liver for injury, infections or disease. It is done also to detect inflammation and damage to the liver. Your overall health can be affected if the liver is not working properly. Hence, that should be a major reason to have a blood test for liver function done. Blood test for liver function helps diagnose viral infection involving the liver. In addition, since the liver plays important roles in the proper functioning of the body, blood test for liver function should be done to look for possible effects of cancer or other disease on the liver.

Can I test my complete blood count with a lab test?

Complete blood count tests calculate the concentration of different components of blood, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, etc. The results of this test help decide whether the person is suffering from blood-related diseases, which may be caused due to abnormal values of the blood components. Anemia, blood pressure, leukemia, polycythemia, Neutropenia, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, various liver diseases, abdominal pain, dizziness etc. are all the diseases which might be diagnosed from the results of this test. This test also helps detect the deficiency of certain elements which are important for growth of blood cells, such as iron. Complete Blood Count Test is a common test that must be performed every six months during regular physical examinations in order to detect the presence of any blood related diseases. Moreover, if the patient is expected to undergo any surgical treatment that may result in blood loss, it is necessary to get tested for blood count.

Should I measure my ferritin levels?

Ferritin is a protein in the body that is responsible for the storage of iron. Blood testing for ferritin yields the level of iron found in the bloodstream. If the results of this blood test indicate low levels of ferritin it is likely that there is a risk for anemia, which should be treated medically. If the results of the test indicate that ferritin levels are high, it could mean that the person has hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease where iron is stored by the body in excess. This disease can only be detected through blood testing and treatment is necessary as complications arising from this can be deadly.

What do labs for HCG level show?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) levels in your blood can be used to determine if you are pregnant. After conception, the placenta starts producing these hormones as soon as the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine wall. As a result, you can detect pregnancy with HCG blood tests much earlier than with other methods. You can also use a quantitative hCG blood test to determine how much HCG is present in your blood. Doctors sometimes use these concentration levels to ensure the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

Is there a lab test for kidney function?

Blood tests can provide early signs of kidney problems in two ways. First, the tests can measure the levels of creatinine in your blood. Creatinine is produced as your kidneys do their jobs but if levels are above normal then that suggests you may have kidney disease. If those levels continue to rise in future tests, you can get an idea of how the disease is progressing. Second, testing levels of urea nitrogen that is produced as your kidneys break down protein can also provide insight into your kidney functions. High levels in the blood suggest your kidneys may not be working as well. Using these tests to detect problems early gives you more treatment options and improves your prognosis.

Why get a blood test for estradiol?

Estradiol, a form of estrogen produced by men and women, levels can help identify the causes of many problems experienced by women. Changes in your menstrual cycle, including excessive bleeding or possible menopause, can be detected by measuring the levels of estradiol in your blood. Additionally, these tests can help rule out low estrogen levels as the cause of infertility. If you're thinking about having a baby, this blood test can make sure prospects are good in terms of hormone levels.

Why get a 9 panel drug test?

If you're interested in drug testing, the 9-panel test is one of the most comprehensive since it checks for barbiturates, cocaine, marijuana, PCP, methamphetamines, opiates, and. However, traditional urine tests are not as accurate as blood tests so if you want conclusive results using blood tests is the better choice.

Why get a lab test for Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies?

Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies blood tests are performed when a person is suspected of having a thyroid disease. The test it performed to monitor the workings of the thyroid glands to check for irregularities in the functioning which may result in diseases such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease and Goiter etc. When suffering from a disease of the thyroid the levels of TPO antibodies in the blood rises and start attacking healthy tissues in the body. This condition can be treated quite effectively if detected in a early stage through a TPO antibodies test.

Health and Disease Statistics for Hilton Head Island SC

Established in South Carolina, the area, Hilton Head Island contains a total of 37,058 residents. Altogether, the state of South Carolina there are 4,635,405 residents. Out of this number of residents, a total of 0.8% of the state's residents lived within the city of Hilton Head Island. Out of the total number of deaths in the city, there were 4 deaths from liver disease. At the same time, kidney disease led to 8 deaths. All forms of cancer accounted for 68 deaths. Strokes were the cause of 18 deaths, while prostate cancer was the cause behind 10 deaths. Prostate cancer was the cause of 14.3% of all cancer deaths. At the same time, there were 40 deaths from coronary heart disease. Diabetes accounted for 8 deaths. On average, 0.11% of the population were likely to die of coronary heart disease during the year and 0.18% of the inhabitants in the area die from some form of cancer each year.

Community Health Data
Hilton Head Island SC

South Carolina

City Population

State Population

Percentage of State Population

Number of Dealths by Disease

Liver Disease

Kidney Disease

Prostate Cancer


All Cancers

Coronary Heart Disease


Total Deaths

Sources include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics, National Vital Statistics Report Volume 61. Estimates are based on 2010 US Census data extrapolated to the population.

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