Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Who's Playing God?


  Headline in the 'National Post':


               MDs playing God on euthanasia, ethicists say

    You got it wrong NP!  The article by Ms Kirkey says that, according to ethicists, the 'regulators' are playing god and assumes that the regulators will be MDs.  Ms Kirkey, the writer of the article has it wrong.  Most doctors have no desire to play God and many of them are resisting attempts made as a result of the ruling by the Supreme Court to coerce them into doing that.   Indeed, if a profession is to be found guilty of playing God in this instance, it is the legal profession.  It is the Supreme Court and society  in general want to play God, not physicians.   The whole euthanasia position is a societal one and I believe that those who want to avail of that new option have a right to do so as determined by the law.  That does not obligate physicians to be the purveyors of death and I  would  strongly recommend that those who find this contravenes their principles have nothing to do with it.  If there are not enough physicians  to fulfill the public need, it would be easy enough to train a corps of 'terminators'.  
     I continue to feel and believe that euthanasia goes against the very core of  medicine and if we allow it to becomes a part of mainstream  medicine, it will forever change the nature of medicine and the physician patient relationship.  
    Get your facts right, Ms Kirkey.


  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2893778/As-debate-assisted-suicide-dispatch-Holland-thousands-choose-die-year.html

    "Euthenasia - The New Lifestyle Choice"

    1. An excellent overview of euthanasia in Holland and it's evolution over the years.
