Sunday, 25 January 2015

Stroke-standing on one foot.

     When I read "Ability to  balance on one leg may reflect brain health and stroke risk, I smiled.  "Struggling to balance on  one leg for twenty seconds or longer was linked to an increased risk for small blood vessel damage in  the brain and reduced cognitive function in otherwise healthy people with no clinical symptoms"  read an  article from AHA Journal    "Stroke".
      It went on to state that their study found that the ability to balance on one leg is an important test for brain health.   Researchers found that the inability to balance on  one leg for longer than twenty seconds was associated with cerebral small vessel disease, namely small infarctions without symptoms such as lacunar infarcts and micro-bleeds.  
       Pretty heavy duty stuff, thought I, knowing full well that I  could easily stand on one foot for a minute or more.  So, I decided to try it out.
        I did fourteen seconds.  So much for objectivity!!
        Try it yourself, you may get a surprise. 
        Let me know how you did, if you dare!!  And I  don't think you will!


  1. No problem here. Perhaps years of dancing and yoga??? Leg got tired though!!

  2. Maybe after a couple drinks!
