Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Ebola! The Bleeding Edge.

            I can't help wondering why two American  health care workers were brought back to the U.S. for the supportive treatment that could have equally efficiently been arranged on site, even if it required sending out some further medical support.  It surprised  me that such a highly infective and lethal condition would be introduced to the U.S. for so little advantage to the patients. Despite the reassurances that there is "virtually no risk of it getting into the general population", such  things do happen for a variety of reasons even in the best treatment plans.  If such an event occurred the results could be so catastrophic that even a small risk seems untenable when the same treatment could  have been administered on site.  The antibody infusion could have more easily been transported to the patients than the other way around.
          One has to wonder how this decision was made and why?

What do you think?

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