Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Make me Manly!

              Big Pharma is working really hard to create life-long medication requiring 'diseases' that it blithely advertises to the public.  The latest of these 'diseases' is Low T.  The real name for Low T  is hypogonadism which is not a very catchy title, so one can see why a  catchier title  was  desirable.   The ad usually start with a big handsome 45+ guy who is feeling a little down, golf swing not what it used to be and obviously no hot shot  in the sac anymore.  Next, the 'wonder drug' schtick and while you watch the post treatment cheerful man now smiling happily while his sweetie sidles up to him, the narrator cheerfully runs  through the myriad side-effects so rapidly that I  can't keep up with  them, even though I already have a pretty good idea of what they are.  Some are serious.
             "Low T," is an advertisement that Big Pharma is pushing these days that  would make it appear that low testosterone is an almost universal disorder and that any male over 45 years old  better get in and see their doctor They are meeting with considerable success in promoting the various preparations of testosterone as some sort of wonder drug, although the condition of low testosterone is actually quite rare (about 2%, I believe though I'm too lazy to look  it up!) . A lot of men, who don't need it are taking it by one route or another - you can even get it as an underarm roll-on.  It's about a 2 billion dollar a year industry and growing.

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